A future for us all
At the Seal Research Trust (SRT), we work hard to ensure that our next generations have a future.
The Planet doesn’t need a Plan B…We do!
The planet is a lump of rock that will survive until something collides with it and then it will likely only shatter into smaller pieces. Humans on the other hand definitely need a plan B, C and so on! Without healthy, thriving biodiversity we have no water, food or air! We have a few short years to make some staggering changes to the way we ALL live our lives to minimise the already devastating impacts of Climate Change.
So, what are we at SRT doing about the Plan B for People?
We have recently developed a fledgling programme for schools and young people based groups and organisations. Our ‘Wonders of the Seal World’ package involves talking about our wonderful real seal stories to help create emotional connections to the sea. Then we share seals’ amazing superpowers and the impacts we are having on them through our daily lives at school, home, rest and play. We finish with the actions we can all take to solve the issues we face now to prevent them escalating into the future.

Volunteer Emma at Nansledan School with Gracie (ghost gear seal)

Nansledan School pupils meet Gracie (life sized juvenile grey seal)
We have a range of resources with inclusive extension activities to suit a range of age groups (including families) for schools to use alongside our beautiful 16 page activity booklets. All the input has been cross referenced to the UK National Curriculum Primary School Programmes of Study, but we adapt sessions to work equally well with Secondary Schools. Sessions can be as short as 20 minutes for an assembly. Class sessions can be anything from 30 minutes to an hour with lots of ideas for class teachers or families to follow up afterwards.
School or group staff can contact us directly to request a free session by emailing [email protected].
We have had amazing feedback from the sessions we have already run including:
University students feedback: Very insightful, and included research findings on seal individual behaviours in pupping and mating, and the seal calendars showed their individual differences! Very interesting! I will be more aware of my own plastic consumption: The example of the Frisbee made me think a lot. But also how to approach seals in the right way and preferably not at all. And the effects of disturbing seals when they flee into the water was also something I was not aware of before. I immediately had the urge to pass on the new knowledge so that everyone is more aware. It is a completely new impression on a topic that has been heard many times before. And it leaves a different impression to see sometimes disturbing images of the effects we humans can have on seals rather than just being told to be more careful. Therefore, keep going! Great images, good connection with Science and local people, explained everything well!
College staff feedback: Thank you so much for agreeing to speak about careers today. The students were incredibly engaged throughout the talk and found it very interesting. The talk was brilliant and it helped to inspire the next generation of animal conservationists.
Secondary School pupil feedback: Very friendly and eager to teach us. We now know how to help a seal. It was interesting, fun and I learned a lot. I loved learning about eco-friendly products and how you can identify seals. The speakers had great energy and made the talk thoroughly enjoyable. It was good to hear about little changes we can make to save the sea and seals. I loved it all!
Secondary School staff feedback: Brilliant session. The most engaged I have seen the students. Nice videos that flow well. Resources are fantastic!
Primary School staff feedback from online sessions: Thank you for a thoroughly informative talk and for giving up your time. The children said they really enjoyed it and learned lots from it. Several children mentioned they owned the flying rings you detailed and vowed to not use them on the beach. The talk was very engaging, Sue was amazing and my class loved the activity packs that were kindly sent to us. Very informative, excellent knowledge from Sue and excellently pitched for the children’s ages. The session linked well with our topic, with great visuals and the pupils loved Chalky and Harbie the puppets.
First Graders USA staff feedback: I would like to give you a HUGE thank you for yesterday. I cannot believe that you were able to capture our student’s full attention online for almost an hour. You have some magic powers! Your presentation was incredibly engaging, witty, and a great learning experience for our young ones. It was the talk of the entire grade throughout the school day yesterday.
Home School parents feedback: Sue was brilliant at speaking to and engaging with our young children age 3-6. It’s important that knowledge and the motivation to help wildlife is passed on to the younger generation and the talk and photos were exciting and inspiring. The children learnt lots and have enjoyed sharing their knowledge with their friends and family. You have certainly inspired them – Rose would now like to rescue seals when she is older.
Feedback about our activity booklet: We worked through it together rather than independently. I think there’s a really good range of difficulty in there, like the maze and the seal matching, to stuff that can be done independently with some concentration, like the language page, to activities that needed guidance, such as mapping the seal’s journey and the bones. As there’s such a good range of material, I’m sure the booklet will suit much older pupils, too.

Vice Chair Kate at Penpol School Careers Fayre

Sue & Ranger Tash’s Zoom talk being enjoyed by Sennen School
SRT Rangers and Volunteers can deliver sessions face to face or online. Honestly, it is more cost effective and environmentally sound to deliver these sessions online and realistically, we have limited capacity to deliver face to face events and logistically we can only cover Cornwall. But ONLINE the sky is the limit! We can deliver sessions to multiple classes at the same time to groups anywhere in the world! We recently delivered a very successful session to two year 5 classes at Lawn School in Swindon.

SRT Ranger Marion at Nexus with Septimus

SRT Ranger Emily at Helston Secondary School
We need your help to spread the word!
So, can you help us by suggesting our ‘Wonders of the Seal World’ package to any local school or community groups?
Please tell everyone and if you get any interest, please share the link to this webpage.
School or group staff can contact us directly to request a free session by emailing [email protected].
Alternatively a variety of educational resources can be found in our googledrive by clicking here
Thank you to all our amazing Volunteers and Rangers, as well as the class teachers who have made these sessions so successful. Thanks to to partner organisations – the Schools, Community Groups and Cornwall Marine Network who have made these free sessions possible.