Help nature save us
Protecting nature protects us.
The planet doesn’t need a plan B, we do.
Without nature we have no air, water or food.
We already face triple crises – climate, environmental and biodiversity.
Failure to act over the next decade will see future generations doomed.
Securing the future of our species depends on us protecting the precious habitats and species we depend upon.
2021 saw us collaborating with a wide network of other organisations through the Seal Alliance to ensure better protection for our UK native seals
We hope to see the outcomes of this work become a reality in 2023 – we have everything crossed.

Seals are far too busy surviving to think about us

A seal’s survival depends on our political decisions
We only have a very short time left (as little as a decade) to slow the damaging impacts that human activity has had on our planet. Given that time is fast running out, we cannot afford to waste the huge cost in terms of time and money, by dismantling protection and redesigning laws that will waste years and be untested….it will all be way too late. We need additional protection and now!
After Brexit, EU environment legislation that had protected our habitats so well was retained in domestic law including the Habitats Regulations. The UK government now wants to review this retained EU environmental legislation. These laws have proved their worth for decades.
To learn more about our existing laws, how they work and what environmental action we really need the government to take to ensure our children have a future, please click this link to the RSPB website or the Wildlife Trust’s blog or the Bat Conservation Trust

Will this juvenile survive despite climate change?

Future generations – people & seals need action to protect nature
Please share your thoughts with the government, by writing to your local MP explaining how important it is that we save the planet now, rather than wasting time redesigning laws that will be too late to make a difference.
We have a template for you to edit and customise to send to your MP now!
Please click here to download the template letter now
Good key asks to edit in yourself include:
Keep the Habitats Regulations and add new laws to protect and recover nature
Manage Marine Protected Areas for the whole site not just listed features
Ensure all development and land/sea use is wildlife friendly and creates space for nature
Tackle threats to wildlife – climate change, pollution and disturbance.
The BIGGEST THREATS to our planet are denial; apathy; blue blindness and myths/misconceptions.
Our BIGGEST MISTAKE will be prioritising people, ourselves and us over nature.
We all need to appreciate that nature sustains us – without it we have no food, drink or life!
Protect Pinnipeds People Planet
Thank you for taking action to ensure future generations have a future!
Please don’t delay – write to you MP today!
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The RSPB have an excellent page of advice on how to follow up on any response you do get from your MP
Click here to read the RSPB’s top tips on how to reply to your MP