Protect Baby Seals
The SW seal pupping season has just begun!

We love developing new partnerships, especially ones focused on helping seal pups. It is vital to share marine conservation messaging by bursting outside of our bubble to reach to new audiences. This is key if we are to achieve a lasting legacy of protecting our current seal pups to ensure that they thrive for future generations to come.
So this seal pupping season, we are experimenting alongside an ethical, innovative service ‘NovaTomato’. They are a Print-on-Demand Platform to enable everyone to build high quality merchandise and a fashion brand . Conscious of their environmental responsibilities, NovaTomato are driven by a profound love for nature and a strong commitment to protecting its enchanting creatures.

NovaTomato believe fashion has the power to make a positive impact. They empower creators to build high quality fashion items, made on demand (to avoid wasted stock), including polo shirts made from recycled plastic bottles. Sustainability always lies at the core of their business.

Together, NovaTomato and the Seal Research Trust, are excited to launch a campaign focused on protecting baby seal pups. 30% of NovaTomato’s campaign revenue is being donated to us at the Seal Research Trust (SRT), to support our vital actions to help seals and their pups.

Incredibly since the launch of this ‘Protect Baby Seals, Safeguard Our Seas!’ campaign less than a month ago, $1622 have already been raised and the campaign will continue until early October.
Why not join in the fun…get creative, share your passion for seals and design your own seal pup polo shirt (made from recycled plastic bottles) for yourself and to share with friends, family and followers? Use ‘POLO20’ to get 20% off when you start!

Together let’s see just how much we can raise to support SRT’s marine conservation work with seal pups in the UK.
Learn more about our grey seal pups by clicking here.
Help us support seal pups everywhere
Why not treat yourself to a Seal Pup Artwork made from plastic removed from Portreath beach by Michelle Costello from Smartie Lids on the Beach. Add our tiny, unique to CSGRT, pin badges designed from photos taken by our founder Sue Sayer
OR delight a child with the story of a seal pup only getting to spend 3 weeks with its mum and at the same time changing from a white to a grey coat with one of our brand new Transformer seals
Please follow the link to our shop in the menu at the top of the page
#protectbabyseal #createwithNovaTomato #supportSRT #Seal #GreySeal #SealPup #Seals #SealConservation #Marine #Pinnipeds #Ocean #Love #Cute #OceanOptimism #BabyAnimals #Conservation #Wildlife #UKwildlife #Nature #AmazingAnimals #SealsInTheWild #Sea #Cornwall #DailySeal #LoveSeals #SaveOurOceans #Adorable #Animals #SaveOurSeas